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About Us


We are here to share, engage, help, and have fun, and we would like it if you would join us.




Our mailing address is:

1 Ridge Road

Deep River, On.

K0J 1P0


We also have the SFC Drop Box on the counter at the Deep River town hall.


SFC_Code of Conduct 




 In-Case-Of-Emergency (ICE) Form


Welcome to our new SFC Executive as of June 13, 2023.

Wanda  Harvey - President

Bev Byrnes - Vice President

Patti Jennings- Treasurer

Jennifer Deacon - Membership Director

Darlene Root - Activity Director

_______ - Publicity Director

Cindy Tremblay - Secretary









The purpose of the Seniors Friendship Club (SFC) is:

To arrange for or to offer educational, cultural, recreational and social programs, and to advocate for services which will enhance the quality of life and provide fellowship for seniors in the upper Ottawa Valley.


Since the group was formed in 2013, many activities have taken place, and many more are planned.  

The SFC group is run mostly by a dedicated group of keen volunteers; although there is always room for more.  If you are interested in sitting on one of the committees, or volunteering with a specific activity, please be sure to let us know (see Contact Us).