UOVSFC News for the week of March 24
What did the scoutmaster say when his car horn was fixed?
Beep repaired.
The presentation last Tuesday on her travels to Antarctica by Emily Edwards attracted a large audience and all were entranced by her
enthusiastic descriptions and amazing photographs. Thank you, Emily!
In contrast, only eight people showed up for our Movie Matinee, "A Man Called Otto", but we really appreciated it. Maybe I scared people off with the warning about suicide. In fact, this movie could possibly prevent people from committing suicide.
If you have suggestions for other movies, please let us know. The next movie will be on Thursday April 10.
Tuesdays in the Deep River Library Program Room (please note, the elevator is out of service)
All of our activities, unless stated, require pre-registration so we know how many to prepare for.
E-transfers preferred (please indicate what the money is designated for in the memo section of the e-transfer), or pay through our drop box at the town of Deep River. E-transfers are accepted through
Happy Joints with Kim Knight: The postponed March 4 session is rescheduled to May 20 at 11 am.
March 25 10:00 am Learn to play Mahjong (tomorrow) in the Deep River Library. If you have a mahjong game set, please bring it. There is no cost for this activity.
Wednesday Walk - still on hold until the trails become clearer.
Thursday morning Coffee and Conversation at the Deep River Library this week at 10 am.
March 31 and April 7 (Mondays) from 1 pm to 4 pm at the Deep River Legion: If you missed the Barn quilt earlier with the Deep River Library, you will get another chance. We are collaborating with the library to host this second opportunity. This event is open to all but registration is required. Registration is limited. A donation of $20, at the door, is suggested.
Here is a link to illustrations of Barn quilts:
Watercolour with Elaine will be returning Tuesdays April 1, 8, & 22,
10 am - noon at the Deep River Library program room. This is for people who have taken her beginner class or have some familiarity with watercolour painting. The lessons will focus on painting roses, tulips and daisies and possibly pussy willows. If you took her class last year, it will have some similar elements but new learning for all. The cost is $30 and registration is limited. Please email 23uovsfc55@gmail.com to register. If needed, a waiting list will be created.
Qigong: We are taking registrations for another session. The dates will be Fridays March 28, April 4, 11 and 25 at 10:30 am in the Deep River Legion. (April 18 is Good Friday). The cost is $35 for all 4 or $10 per session. If you’d like to try it, please email 23uovsfc55@gmail.com. We will need a minimum of 7 participants to continue.
Cooking with Carolyn: Participants come together to learn recipes for budget friendly meals, cook a meal then eat together. Leftovers will be taken home. All classes begin at 1:30 pm. All sessions will be cooking the same recipes.
Thursday, March 27 at Stonecliffe Municipal Hall 1:30. Two openings left.
Tuesday, April 1, at Chalk River Legion, (rescheduled from March 11). Full with a waiting list.
March 26 (Wednesday) Bowling and Dinner, 3:30 - 5:00. Optional
dinner at Santa Fe at 5:30 at your own expense. Bowling cost of $6 is non-refundable and should have been received by Thursday March 20 by e-transfer at 23uovsfc55@gmail.com or in the drop box at the Deep River Town Hall. 17 people are needed for this event, with a maximum of 24 (4 people per team on each lane). Numbers are low - there could still be room for last minute entries.
Pottery pick-up: Darlene will be in the Deep River Library main room on Tuesday April 1 from 10 to 11 am for people to pick up their pottery pieces. (How's that for alliteration?)
The Upper Ottawa Valley Seniors Friendship Club is open to all adults living in the area from Chalk River to Deux Rivieres. Our website is https://seniorsfriendshipclub.ca and Facebook page is
Ann Serdula with information from the Activity Director and the Club Administrator